About Us

The Sandy Springs Foundation is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the City of Sandy Springs through charitable and community-focused initiatives. Our primary mission is to raise funds to support the City’s recreational, artistic, and educational projects, with a focus on public properties and spaces throughout Sandy Springs.

We are committed to enriching the lives of Sandy Springs’ residents through City Springs development, including the Performing Arts Center, City Green, and Heritage Amphitheater. Our efforts also extend to all current and future parks and green spaces within the City. By fundraising and providing financial support, we aim to improve and expand these key community assets for the benefit of all residents and visitors.

In addition to supporting these public properties, we work to foster community spirit and encourage fellowship among residents. We also assist various City departments and volunteer units in their efforts to promote and enhance public spaces and programs.

The Foundation is organized to advance charitable and educational activities, manage donations, and invest resources to further our goals. We are dedicated to using our assets and income to support and improve the City of Sandy Springs, ensuring a vibrant and engaged community for years to come.

Executive Committee

Chairperson – Rusty Paul
Vice chairperson – Christine Propst
Secretary – Susanna Rohm
Treasurer – Sherwin Clemons

Contact Us

You can contact the Sandy Springs Foundation via email.